Thursday, April 16, 2009

Things I think about when I run

For me running long is all in your mind. If you can think about other things the miles fly by.

Since I have been a stay at home mom I don't really have a life, so I don't really have that many fun things to think about. Anyway, I was thinking that I should jump on the band wagon and try a diet like my other girlfriends. I was thinking that I could save so much money if I just ate the 19cent Trader Joe's bananas. I mean for real I could have like five bananas for just over a buck....but I couldn't tell the hubby I was doing this because what my plan would be to save up for a Cartier watch. This is totally doable. But then I was thinking I could also add some 17cent Walmart Top Ramen just to mix it up a bit. I wonder how balanced diet that would be....Top Ramen and Bananas....hmmm. I have to look into it.

My 15 miles did go great since I had such a stimulating thing to think about...and Mr. Grier slept the entire time woo hoo:))